
Make Your WordPress Site Super Fast Without Breaking It

Andy Forsberg

Best Practices for Load Time Optimization

  1. Put Scripts in the Footer
  2. Keep Everything Up To Date
  3. Use a speed-optimized WordPress Theme
  4. Disable Pingbacks & Trackbacks
  5. Limit Post Revisions dene( ‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, 4 );
  6. Limit Comments Per Page
  7. Clean up your database: WP-OptimizeUse CSS Sprites if relevant (create them with SpriteMe)
  8. Use Font Icon Libraries such as Font Awesome instead of images for icons
  9. Use a Content Delivery Network
  10. Load All Stylesheets in the Head Before scripts where possible
  11. Localize External Files Whenever Practical
  12. Don’t Rely on Slow Third Parties
  13. Use JPG’s Instead of PNG’s when appropriate
  14. Ensure Elements Load Only When In UseDisable or Delete Unused Plugins
  15. Remove Unused Images Referenced via Stylesheets
  16. Remove Unused Stylesheets & Scripts
  17. Use SVGs when appropriate
  18. Use A Fast WordPress Web Host (e.g. Kinsta)
  19. Use Fast DNS (Route 53, DNS Made Easy, Cloudare, Namecheap PremiumDNS, etc.)
  20. Load Google Analytics and all other tags in use with Google Tag Manager
  21. Install / Enable AMP and Accelerated Mobile Pages
  22. Install / Enable Imagify
  23. BulkOptimize all of your images
  24. Enable gzip compression
  25. Install / Enable Autoptimize / Go to Autoptimize > Settings and enable HTML, JavaScript and CSScode optimization. Then Save Changes and Empty Cache
  26. Enable Caching Plugin


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